taller and taller sitting at the table, watching the world move in slow motion nothing you can do, only wait and hope that lady luck smiles upon you, as the clock ticks on and time stretches like taffy fidgeting only gets you so far, only so much leg bouncing can occur before someone reaches over and places a hand on your shoulder, and you realize you've been shaking the entire table so instead you turn to what is in front of you, manageable in their bright colors, and soft edges just waiting to be used as delicately as a surgeon you begin to stack one on top of the other you start sturdy, ones with big sides, the foundation of your masterpiece beginning to rise into the sky, breath held to keep hands steady as slowly and carefully the final one is placed sometimes all it takes is a d4 to tip the scale the crash echoes louder within your head, a couple eyes turn to you, as the tower comes crashing down, skittering across the table, a blast wave of bright molded plastic you wince as one of yours hits another tower across from you sending that also falling to the ground, though thankfully none have fallen to the floor, so thanks for small favors the face across from you is hollow as they take in the multi- colored destruction now sitting before them, once a glorious monolith, stretching higher than yours ever dreamed of instead of anger, a giggle bursts from their lips, spreading as you too now begin to laugh, with smiles reaching all around the table, as everyone shares in the infectious joy of a fallen dice tower the DM turns to you, it's your turn you pick up the dice once more