The Lawrence University Shoutbox, created by Nick Mayerson ‘23, has returned. The page’s revival was brought about by Lawrence University Community Council (LUCC) Community Relations Coordinator senior Matthew Pavlik.
The Shoutbox is located on Facebook: the page follows a bulletin board–like format as a place for Lawrentians and Appleton community members to post announcements or questions regarding events at Lawrence.
“We didn’t really want to use Facebook due to it being a bit antiquated, but Instagram didn’t really have the same capacity to carry out our ideas for the Shoutbox,” Pavlik claimed. “Facebook is nice; it’s not too formal but also not too personal. You can post anonymously, but the moderator will still be able to see who you are.”
Pavlik considered bringing the Shoutbox to other platforms to expand the number of students who use the page. Currently, the page is home to around 200 members.
The Shoutbox is lenient when it comes towards regulations on the page, as stated on the page by Pavlik.
“Lots of things are allowed here,” Pavlik said. “That said, do not post about rideshare inquiries or buying/selling—there are separate groups for that. Please keep politics and intense discussions to a minimum, as those discussions are better face-to-face, and as always, the Honor Code rules.”
The main goal of the Shoutbox is to help bring better communication to the Lawrence University campus, in addition to other Lawrence-based forms of communication.
“We just want to provide a place for students and faculty to post information and find out about details you wouldn’t really read in emails sent by the school,” Pavlik concluded.