Lawrence University will be holding It’s On Us week from Feb. 12 to Feb. 18. It is a national movement that is honored by several institutions across the nation at different points in the year. According to Director of Equity and Title IX Coordinator Sara Holtzman, It’s On Us is a call to action for all Lawrentians to stand up and end sexual violence.
“We focus on healthy relationships, consent and active bystander training,” Holtzman said. “We, of course, hope to inspire all Lawrentians to reflect on their education and continue to act as bystanders in our community.”
Lawrence University organizes It’s On Us events during the week leading up to Valentine’s Day. Organizations like Sexual Harassment and Assault Resource and Education (SHARE) and the Student Alliance Against Sexual Harassment and Assault (SAASHA) will be involved to spread awareness during the week, hosting events that all students are invited to. On Feb. 12 and 13, which are Monday and Tuesday respectively, there will be an It’s On Us giveaway tabling event taking place at Warch Campus Center. The event will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. SAASHA will also be hosting a Green Flags board outside of Andrew Commons. On Monday, Feb. 12, there will be a Bystander Awareness Training in Arthur Davis Conference room beginning at 7 p.m. On Tuesday, Feb. 13, there will be a Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) Jeopardy in the Nathan Marsh Pusey Room at 6:30 p.m. There will also be a “Sign the Pledge” in every residence hall lobby that students are encouraged to sign. Holtzman states that, beginning Tuesday, Feb. 13, Lawrentians are encouraged to wear teal to spread awareness.
“Lawrentians across campus can help us honor It’s On Us week by wearing teal,” Holtzman encouraged. “Stop by our tabling events to get some swag, teal ribbons and/or teal lights to help us remember the purpose of our awareness week. Above all else, continue to act as engaged bystanders. If you see something, say something.”
On Wednesday, Feb. 14, there will be a Consent Workshop hosted in the Mead Witter Room from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Additionally, the Buchanan Kiewit Wellness Center will be offering STI testing by appointment from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. On Thursday, Feb. 14, there will be a KINK workshop in Warch Cinema at 7:30 p.m. On Friday, Feb. 15., SAASHA will be involved in a Gratitude Board outside of the Andrew Commons, followed by a Resource Happy Hour on Saturday, Feb. 18 in the Center for Spiritual and Religious Life from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Holtzman states that these events will be a great step in the right direction towards ending sexual violence, with involvement from Lawrentians.
“Every year we get a bit more engagement,” Holtzman said. “I am hopeful that students can continue to develop their understanding of healthy relationships, ways to intervene in situations and how to advocate for themselves in terms of consent.”