21st-Century Eve

Carve me from Adam’s rib, then blame me for being human 
A jagged fragment ripped from a man deemed too defiant
Ask us to tend the garden, then condemn our dirt-stained hands
Command us to spread your gospel, then demand that we stay silent

Call me the cancer born from his marrow
No ivory shield for my red and yellow
Well, strip me of illusions, but from truth I shall not hide.
I am but a mortal woman, but I don’t fear your vengeful tide.
Let us both stand naked, and I’ll let the Judge decide.

And as you rebuke me, your sinful Eve,
like a blind man breathing slaughter,
I shall endure each threat and torment with a mother’s pride.
For you know not the hell you welcomed
when you lay your curse upon Eve’s daughters.

Beauty born from blood and agony,
a fiend far fiercer than your hollow rage.
She is the death you begot.
She is your chosen fate.
She is the storm you’ll learn to fear too late.