London Week events provide information to Lawrentian study-abroad hopefuls

"London Term Abroad," Jan. 2020. Photo provided by Ellie Younger.

From Tuesday, Jan. 21 to Thursday, Jan. 23, Lawrence’s Office of Off-Campus Programs hosted London Week, a series of events promoting study abroad opportunities at the university’s London Centre.

The first event was a London Centre information table held outside the Warch Campus Center (WCC) Andrew Commons. The tabling was followed by an information session later that day, covering topics such as internship opportunities and overseas housing.

Following that, on Wednesday, Jan. 22, another London Center table was held outside of Andrew Commons. The week ended with a showing of a movie with a setting in London, titled “Notting Hill,” in the International House, accompanied by English tea.

Throughout the week, there was a photo display in WCC, providing a chance for students to look closer at the area surrounding the London Centre.
Applications for the London Centre close Wednesday, Feb. 26.

“London Term Abroad,” Jan. 2020. Photo provided by Ellie Younger.