Letter to the Editor

Last week, The Lawrentian ran an editorial titled “Reorganizing LUCC Districts.” In that piece, you discussed the realignment of student organizations into coherent groupings to facilitate more effective representation. It was also suggested that students do not engage at the residence level as much as they do within organizations and causes. The editorial contended that “ideas have begun circulating around campus” on ways to reform the system, and asserted that Nick Paulson and I should consider it as we transition into office.

The fact that these ideas have been circulating around campus does not come to a surprise to us, as the details of a potential restructuring were discussed well before our respective campaigns got underway. Aside from being mentioned in more specific terms during the Presidential Forum in the Café, the concept made an appearance in the Feb. 3 edition of The Lawrentian. As Andrew Kim said in his introductory article of Nick and I, “Paulson has already brainstormed with Woodford about LUCC and corroborates Woodford’s emphasis on reorganization of the representative structure.”

We appreciate that The Lawrentian is supportive of the core principles of our ideas — which were outlined in last week’s editorial — regarding the representative structure. While there will certainly be significant challenges in bringing such changes to fruition, we look forward to the process of gathering community input in an attempt to craft considerate and sound legislation, and we hope to utilize The Lawrentian as a primary medium for discourse in this and all other LUCC matters.


Jake Woodford

LUCC President-elect