Azalea’s sophomore studio release is an impressive demonstration of her rap and compositional abilities. The album is composed of mostly...
“Drinking Buddies” is a 2013 film directed by Joe Swanberg. It stars Olivia Wilde as Kate, Jack Johnson as Luke,...
“Sweet Disarray,” Dan Croll’s debut album released on March 10, is precisely what the title suggests. The lyrics and melodies...
“American Hustle” has been in theaters for a while now and unfortunately lost all ten of its Oscar nominations. However,...
I have listened to the entirety of “Voices,” Phantogram’s newest album, and have reached the conclusion that they decided to...
On Friday, Feb. 7, senior Emma Brayndick presented and performed in David Auburn’s short play “Fifth Planet” as her senior...
Young the Giant released their sophomore attempt “Mind over Matter” on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Unfortunately, the album did not prove...
Here I present my completely biased list of the top 13 albums to grace the charts in 2013. 12. The...
Lucius released their debut album “Wildewoman” on Tuesday, Oct. 15. The band “officially” came on the scene last year with...
If you’ve ever walked down College Ave and looked into the shop “Dance!,” you will have seen a window display...