“Inside Out 2” (2024)4.5/5 ****-Released June 14, 2024 and directed by Kelsey Mann, “Inside Out 2” is an animated coming-of-...
“Love Lies Bleeding” (2024) 3/5 *** “Love Lies Bleeding” (2024), directed by Rose Glass, is a thriller/ crime indie film...
“The Holdovers” 4/5 **** “The Holdovers,” directed by Alexander Payne, is a 2023 holiday comedy-drama. The story follows Paul Hanhum...
(This review contains spoilers) The image that often comes to mind for those who say “Jin-Roh,” “Panzer Cop” or, in...
On Wednesday, Oct. 11, in celebration of its centennial year, Walt Disney Animation Studios released its short, “Once Upon a...
“The Boy and the Heron” is a 2023 Japanese animated film directed by the one and only Hayao Miyazaki. This...
“Alien” (1979)3.5/5 ***This summer, the ninth film in the “Alien” franchise, “Alien: Romulus” (2024), was released. In honor of the...
“Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” 3.5/5 *** “Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes” (2023), directed by Francis Lawrence, is the book-to-movie...
Fall term is nearing its end and winter break is approaching fast, along with the holidays celebrated during that time....
Last Friday, Oct. 13, Taylor Swift released her highly anticipated “Eras Tour” movie. The filming of her highly successful and...