Bird of the week: osprey Bird of the week: osprey About: A brown-and-white raptor with a thick brown eye band...
Bird of the week: black-capped chickadee About: A small black-and-white songbird with dark gray wings and a cute black hood....
Bird of the week: Common Redpoll About: A brown-backed finch with brown and white streaking on the sides and a...
Bird of the week: Fox Sparrow About: Fox Sparrows are plump brownish birds with white checkering on the underside and...
Bird of the week: Great Blue Heron About: Appearing a bluish gray, with brown shoulder patches and beautiful yellow beaks,...
Bird of the week: Red-tailed Hawk About: One of the most widespread raptors in North America. Has a brown back...
Bird of the week: Mourning Dove About: A small brown dove with long tail feathers. It feeds on the ground...
Bird of the week: Dark-eyed Junco About: Small songbird with gray head and back with white belly.With 7 subspecies, Dark-eyed...
Bird of the week: Double-crested Cormorant About: Double-crested Cormorants are widely spread across the United States where they hunt for...
Bird of the week: Ruby-crowned Kinglet About: This tiny (5 – 10 grams) gray-green bird is a real treat to...