Around the world in eight issues: An Introduction

“Around the world in eight issues” will be featuring accounts from students who are studying abroad this term. Lawrence University has an extensive study abroad program which a large chunk of the student population participates in and an even higher percentage expresses interest in.

This new feature in the Variety section of The Lawrentian will serve as a space for students who are currently studying abroad or have done so in the past to share their experiences. Similar accounts have appeared in The Lawrentian on a sporadic basis, however, this is a systematic attempt to portray these narratives or opinions in a more structured manner.

Each week, a different country will be represented through the personal accounts sent in by students. From India to Jordan and from the United Kingdom to Spain, we will attempt to cover a diverse array of student experiences to provide our readers with a flavor of said experiences.

If you would like to contribute or have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact The Lawrentian at