We talk about breaking out of the Lawrence bubble, but whenever I think about bringing my car to campus to be able to explore more, I am hindered by the thought of restricted parking. There are very few student parking spots and that is troublesome to many students. Is the university considering any changes to the parking policy?
Parking is a scarce resource on campus, due in part to the fact that the campus was laid out in a time when automobiles had not yet been invented, much less available to the general population.
The university has just completed a peer review of our parking infrastructure and policies with the help of one of the nation’s foremost parking experts, and the report revealed some opportunities for improvement. Over the next several months, planning will begin on campus to implement a number of the recommendations from the review. We will rely on the Student Welfare Committee of the LUCC to represent student interests as we determine an implementation plan. The bottom line, however, is that the supply of dedicated 24-hour student parking will remain limited, even after proposed changes are implemented.
A parking option currently available to students, but underutilized, is to obtain a permit from the Dean of Student’s Office to park in the City of Appleton’s Yellow Ramp on Washington Street, about two blocks to the west of campus.