Lawrence University Community Council (LUCC) faced scrutiny after a weekend in Björklunden from Oct. 9-11 went awry.
LUCC critics displayed their concerns quite literally, putting up flyers across campus highlighting their stance. Flyers read “Lawrence University Corruption Council, so that’s what the third C stands for.”
In response, LUCC chose to address this scandal at the General Council meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 20. Junior and LUCC Public Relations Secretary Abedin Rafique took the stand on behalf of the cabinet.
“As you have seen, heard, read or ‘yakked’ in the past 24 hours, some serious concerns have been raised about LUCC’s highly anticipated Björk[lunden] retreat,” admitted Rafique, addressing the most popular medium for LUCC slander: Yik Yak.
Rafique began by highlighting the productivity of the retreat as a whole, stressing the 10 hours of meeting time that took place in order to finalize legislation and form a stronger network between students.
“While we are proud of our accomplishments over the weekend, we must take ownership of a number of our failures as a group,” said Rafique.
These failures range from noise complaints, “less than perfect completion of opportunities, and lackluster demeanor,” to “generally not giving the Björk[lunden] staff the respect they deserve.” As a result, LUCC is facing some serious and extended consequences.
“It is true that LUCC will not be able to return to Björk[lunden] for the next two academic years, but LUCC is taking the necessary steps to apologize to the Björk[lunden] staff,” continued Rafique.
Not unlike most scandals, rumors have surfaced regarding the accusations LUCC faces, like property damage.
“LUCC has yet to be informed of such allegations,” said Rafique.
Other rumors regard who is truly behind the uprising against LUCC. Sophomore Nick Ashley brought his concerns to the General Council. Ashley began by pointing out that some people “act on conjecture.”
“Whether or not [these accusations] are true, complete disrespect to LUCC is not acceptable under any means,” said Ashley. “So, I want to distance myself from the idea that I started this whole business against LUCC.”
Ashley admits to “never having issues [with LUCC] to begin with,” until getting accused for starting an uprising and “the subsequent events that took place,” specifically, posting the flyers.
“On that night, I provided duct tape because I am a provider of duct tape,” said Ashley. “I was in a bit of a fit, in a bit of a mood, and I willingly obliged to provide duct tape.”
Although not admittedly involved in the libel, Ashley emphasizes that no one is condemning LUCC as a whole.
“One bad apple, two bad apples does not spoil the whole bunch,” suggested Ashley. “Consider who among you is tarnishing the reputation of the governing body.”
For the time being, LUCC remains the same bunch of apples.
“This has been a learning opportunity for all of us,” concluded Rafique. “I would like to humbly appeal to all of us present here to hold ourselves to higher standards and be role models for the community, who put an immense amount of faith [in] this organization.”