How to stop hating Sundays

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I feel like we have all debated what the worst day of the week is. While some will answer Tuesday and others will say Thursday, there has always been this unspoken rule that Sundays more or less always suck. And, honestly, it has felt like they sucked for most of my life. 

I remember in high school I would absolutely dread Sunday every week. After having an always insanely busy week, jam-packed with multiple AP classes, extracurriculars and my after-school job, I just needed a break by the time the weekend rolled around. So, I would have a wonderful time from Friday night through Saturday, leaving me only Sunday to catch up on everything I didn’t do.  

This sort of weekly routine resulted in me spending my whole Sunday in my room working on piles of homework, college applications and chores; basically, Sunday did not equal funday for me.  

While not maybe not everyone had this dreadful of an experience with Sundays, I think there is an underlying negative tone regarding what Sundays should be used for versus what they are actually used for. Many people believe Sundays are meant for relaxation, self-care and family time. These same people, however, end up cleaning their house, doing yard-work or mentally preparing for the difficult school and work week to come. 

And, in all honesty, I absolutely brought this Sunday negativity with me when I went to college. Only recently have I started questioning the way I spend my time on Sundays. But I’m here to tell you that it is better late than never to change your perspective on the supposedly doomed Sunday. 

This term I have worked really hard to make Sunday more about taking care of myself than playing catch-up with school and work. While it may not sound fun to do a lot of homework on Friday nights and Saturdays, I have learned that spreading out my to-do list over the weekend instead of packed into a mere 24 hours is really a lifesaver. While I may have thought taking a break all of Friday and Saturday was an act of self-care, it really only resulted in a stressed and burnt-out start of the week. 

Do I still have things to do on Sundays? Yes, but these tasks really aren’t as hard to get done now. I promise myself that the second half of Sundays are exclusively saved for me, which motivates me to be a go-getter on Sunday morning. I wake up with a goal, a plan and a reward for getting everything done, which is a routine I definitely did not have established before this term. 

I know this is not rocket science. Anyone can manage their Sundays in a productive and efficient way. However, even though I knew about time management before changing my perspective on Sundays, I really did not bother to. To me, I just automatically assumed Sundays would suck. Everyone seemed to hate them, so I simply thought one day out of the week had to be a designated bad day. In turn, I never thought I could have a good time on Sunday. 

If you happen to feel a sense of dread when Sunday rolls around, there is a way to feel better about the day. While time management, motivation and efficiency are involved in making Sundays a little better, the real trick involves changing your perspective about how you spend each day of the week. There are only seven days of the week, and if one day always has to be a bad day, how will you ever have a good week? 

In other words, you get to decide what day is a good day and what day is a bad day. We are bound to have crappy days, but they don’t always have to be on Sunday. Instead of assuming a day is going to suck, try to change your perspective about who defines what a good day is. You are in total control of your week, and you get to do what you want with it. If you’re tired of Sundays being the designated doomed day, change your routine and change your mindset. 

There really is not enough time in life to waste a day being stressed and unhappy. While we will have those types of days no matter what, Sunday does not always have to be one of them. Instead, turn Sunday into a day you look forward to. My Sundays are now dedicated to taking care of myself, so I am more than ready to start a new week. And, as cheesy as it may sound, I have felt a lot better about the weeks to come. Remember you have the power to make a day less stressful. It is possible to turn Sunday into a funday. 

I hope you have a great week, all seven days included.