Reflections on Unrequited Love

There’s a strange comfort in unrequited love. Sure, it burns you alive like a witch on a pyre. It fills you with an intoxicating lightheadedness that kills all common sense. It shatters your heart like a sledgehammer as you imagine a million reasons why their feelings will never mirror yours. 

But it’s all in your head, and that means it’s safe. You can dream of love and marriage because you know they will never offer it. You can let your soul fly away because you know it will return to earth when it inevitably falls. You grow accustomed to the crash because it’s safer than the uncertainty of cruising. You craft playlists to turn your feelings into movie soundtracks and let love live only in passionate, passive dreams. 

Beautiful girl, my greatest fear is not that you won’t love me, but that somehow you will.