The “Feel-Good” Genre

When I’m having a tough day, the first thing I do is search up “feel-good TV shows” or “feel-good movies” on Google. This takes me to suggestions like “13 going on 30,” “The Parent Trap,” “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” and so many more! These kinds of shows and movies have such a special quality to them, because they actually do make you feel good! They uplift your mood and can make a sad day much happier. These are shows and movies that have wonderfully positive messages, make you laugh, and, most importantly, make you smile. They become an escape from the negativities of life. For a few hours, we forget everything that is making us feel down in the world. Many songs also have this ability. There are those moments when you hit shuffle on a playlist and just the perfect song comes on.

This whole genre applied to any medium encapsulates how you’re feeling and puts a smile on your face. It doesn’t matter if it’s a song, movie or TV show; interacting with it melts away the sadness. For me, watching “feel-good” movies and shows helps with escaping homesickness, and the characters I am seeing on screen become like friends. Especially with longer television shows, I start to enjoy them so much that I create a connection to the uplifting characters. Seeing them becomes the part of my day which I look forward to most. They give me company when I’m lonely, and teach me ways to have a positive outlook on life. Somehow, these shows know exactly what I need to hear in order to feel more like myself again. They help me to get out of my head for a while, and into a better mindset.