We Said “Stop Asian Hate” 

When they started killing us, we said “Stop Asian Hate”
as if they were spilling our blood out of mere distaste  
as if our existence is a topic for controversial debate  
as if our lives are a common annoyance they face –  
heat waves  
joint pain  
long division  
the price of gas  
worn-out socks  
algebra class  
alarm clocks  
missing keys  
endless lines  
too many questions at the DMV  
same Christmas song for the hundredth time  
incorrect autocorrect  
phones with cracked screens  
folks with no respect  
being left on seen  

But they don’t pass exclusion acts against slushy highways  
or put pineapple pizzas in internment camps  
They don’t slaughter nations of nail-biters  
or wage eight-year wars over muscle cramps  
Hate is merely the hand of greed   
that seizes the whole as the white man’s portion  
and guards this privilege zealously  
against all attempts to equalize fortune  

To fight hate rather than oppression  
is to cure the sneezing rather than the cold  
Only three hundred revolutions can liberate  
a prison of stones three hundred years old