Learning How to Read

A few weeks ago in class, a professor asked us to recall our first memories of reading and learning language. I thought about this a lot, and my first memory of reading includes Geronimo Stilton’s fantastical adventures! I was so engrossed in the narrative of those books that I used to dream about being a part of his treasure hunts at night. It was the first time I really learned how wild my imagination could get. My preference always leaned towards fiction, but I eventually also started enjoying non-fiction and educational books that I would read at school. Through formal education I’ve learned how to read in both English and Hindi, almost at the same time. My parents were also diligent about me reading books at home in both languages, even if it was mostly pictures! 

My mom played an especially large role in my affinity for literature. She always read to me, and when I learned to read by myself, she was still by my side listening to me read aloud. I remember struggling with words when I was first learning to read, and her encouraging me to read out loud helped me to become more confident. She even gave me flashcards with pictures of fruits or animals on one side and names on the other! It was these small but largely impactful efforts that gave me an appreciation and enjoyment of books which I still have. Reading has always been able to transport me into a different world! That’s why I love fiction so much. Some books are able to completely carry my mind away from where I am, and into the book. Over time, reading has become a hobby for me, as well as a companion.