
meet in the parking lot 
after nine behind 
the crumbling church, silver 
tape on the fender, bound 
with thoughts and prayers 
shotgun with the windows 
down, phones silenced 
and Monetochka, full volume 
on the Bluetooth 
because the rebellious are never 
silent, and last time your mother 
warned you that this 
car isn’t built to 
survive the interstate, but 
I was raised with the fear 
I learned from my refugee blood 
on hands and knees in the jungle 
so I’ve never been 
spontaneous like you, 
but I’m 21 and time is blurring 
now, so I’ll follow 
the next exit with you 
at the wheel. 
You won’t be mine 
and I can’t be yours 
because you seek love on every road 
and I am a single-lane highway 
to a heaven I can’t yet reach, 
but life is one brutal 
accident after another 
till fate flings us into the ditch, 
so let’s joyride down 
this dead-end street 
and hold each other 
in these precious moments 
before we drift 
and crash 
and die