A title really is (actually) just a series of words

Every strong word is followed by a soft one with jagged teeth and a crooked smile. 
Reminiscent of the sacred dawn. 

Every touch soft enough to lie upon, 
sealed in a shaking palm. Stay awhile. 
Every strong word is followed by a soft one. 

Hate is just a throat's vibrations 
in an echoing chamber of exile. 
Reminiscent of the sacred dawn. 

Solidify those words, for once. 
Show that those thoughts were fertile. 
Every strong word is followed by a soft one.

Behind my spiraling mind, I've won. 
Love is just a sound against teeth, hostile. 
Reminiscent of a rising dawn. 

This passageway of sounds is done. 
I've the spiraling mind of a child. 
Every strong word is followed by a soft one. 
Reminiscent of the falling sun.