I have talked with women

I have talked with women 
And been irrevocably changed

They have taught me
More than any man ever could

Shown me more of the world
Than travel or money

I have talked with women 

Women who have chosen 
The health of their souls
Over the strain of society

Women who have
Loved themselves enough to be

Women who have gone on adventures 
Without guilt

Women who let themselves think
In the way that the water flows and the moon ebbs

Flexible and yet strong 
Stronger still because they’re malleable 

Women who love to learn and explore
Who are not following prescription 

Women who dig deep into their hearts
And keep going
Keep loving and fighting 
And through it all, keep laughing and crying

Yes, I have talked with women 

And learned from them

And been changed by them

These women 

These revolutionary souls

Some who are soft and gentle
Others who scream at the streets

These women
Who defy all definition 

Who carry
All that deserves care

I have talked with women
And I am irrevocably changed