A Plea to Achilles

Comrade, brother, come pick up your sword 
Deliver us to glory at last 
Comrade, brother, be true to your word 
I’m weary too, but we must hold fast 
We entered this battle hand in hand, 
a brave two-soldier battalion 
My spirited filly at full gallop 
to keep stride with your fierce stallion 
I was your sharpest dagger, 
small and swift as the stinging bee 
and you were my strongest shield, 
unbreakable as you sheltered me 
Heavy is thy helm and bloody is thy armor 
But thy spirit was not born to yield 
Lift up your head, take one single step farther 
Achilles, meet me on the field 
For you I’ve crossed kingdoms and sailed across oceans 
Now it’s your turn to fight at my side 
Rise up for your brothers, your bride, and your people 
When courage fails, let love be your guide 
Thy soul is too young to receive heaven’s touch 
You can rest once our battle is won 
Stay with me till daybreak; you owe me this much 
Achilles, I beg you, don’t run