Hi! I’m Lainie Yank—I’m a senior majoring in English and Spanish, and I’m from Franklin, Wisc.
What sports do you play at Lawrence?
I’m not an athlete myself, but I love going to athletic events on campus, especially basketball and hockey games and tennis and track-and-cross-country meets.
How did you end up writing for The Lawrentian?
I’ve been interested in doing sports journalism after graduation, and of all the writing I do for classes, I had never really tried journalistic writing before, so joining The Lawrentian gave me the opportunity to practice it. More recently, I’ve also been doing copy editing, which I love!
Are you involved in any extracurriculars at Lawrence?
This year, I’m a co-president of the Book Club, as well as a Spanish and writing tutor. I’m also playing in the newly-revived pep band, which is exciting because I hadn’t played an instrument in almost four years before joining.
Why did you choose Lawrence?
I knew I wanted to go to a small school, as well as stay somewhat close to home; I honestly hadn’t even heard about Lawrence until I started applying to colleges, but I’ve had such great experiences with my major departments and academic opportunities.
What advice do you have for those who want to get involved in student journalism?
The Lawrentian is a great way to experience writing in a non-academic context, and to honestly write about whatever you’re interested in! Being a writer for the sports section has also helped me get two different internships writing about hockey and women’s sports, so it can also be a gateway to other opportunities.
What is/are your favorite sport(s) or team(s) to watch?
The Winnipeg Jets are my favorite hockey team, and I’m also very loyal to Milwaukee-area teams like the Brewers and the Bucks, and the PWHL Minnesota team.