The Panhellenic council hosted a campus-wide dance-a-thon Friday, May 30. The event aimed to do something fun for the Lawrence community while giving to a good cause that would benefit the greater Appleton community. The council’s goal was to raise $300 for the COTS Riverview Garden Program.
This was the council’s first dance-a-thon. However, they are hoping to make it an annual event and potentially partner with more student organizations on campus.
Brender Zuleger ’13 said, “I think it’s definitely important for the LU community to support Greek life events. Even though Panhel is a student organization that is made up [of] the three sororities on campus, we still want to have a welcoming presence. By putting on events in which the whole campus can be involved, we hope to promote unity not just within the Greek community, but also within the Lawrence community. The same can be said for the individual sorority and fraternity events. We like to host events, such as AnchorSplash or Kicks for CASA, that the whole campus can take part in and have a good time at, while still doing a service for community.”
Panhel was able to raise $290 by the end of the night, and then reached their goal of $300 a couple days later. Congratulations to the winner, Sam Estrem, who you can spot walking around campus with his new iPod Nano.