Bird of the week: hermit thrush
About: A brown thrush with a speckled breast and lighter belly. Very similar to Swainson’s and gray-cheeked thrushes as well as the veery, but has a distinct call and migrates north earlier in the spring and south later in the fall.
Where to find this bird: It feeds on the ground, typically under thick overhanging branches or bushes, but will feed occasionally in more open areas.
When to find this bird: April–mid-May and mid-September–early November.
Fun fact: Hermit thrushes have a very beautiful song, which they sing frequently throughout the day, particularly at dawn and dusk. This song inspired Amy Beach to write two pieces for piano, “Hermit Thrush at Morn” and “Hermit Thrush at Eve,” both featuring hermit thrush song transcriptions, during her stay at MacDowell Colony in New Hampshire.