LUCC Announcements

James Duncan-Welke

General Council met Monday, Oct. 13 and Monday, Oct. 27. At the Oct. 13 meeting the council deliberated on bylaw changes to allow special elections and establish a committee on environmental responsibility. The council also debated the merits of a plan allowing students to donate leftover money on their meal plans to charity. That proposal has been referred to Student Welfare Committee.

At the Oct. 27 meeting the council approved the changes to the bylaws providing for special elections and also approved the foundation of the Standing Committee on Environmental Responsibility. The council debated legislation on the payment of student organization debts, and established an ad hoc committee on outreach and publicity to begin planning for LUCC’s 40th anniversary celebration at the end of term. The council also discussed the disturbing rise in levels of both theft and homophobia on campus, and firmly condemned such activities.

Finance Committee has made allocations to the following groups: AM Theatre Company, Film Production Club, French Club, Men’s Ultimate Frisbee, Ninjitsu, Pioneers and Lawrentians, Sustainable Lawrence University Garden, Tropos, Viking Rocket Scientists, VIVA and Writers Group. Finance Committee also made a reallocation to the Campus Organization for Israel.

Steering Committee has recognized the following new groups: American Sign Language Club, Lawrence University Students for a Fair Wisconsin, Lawrence University Unitarian Universalists, Pioneers and Lawrentians, and Tropos, and has approved a name change for Students for Leftist Action which will now be known as the Lawrence University Progressive Union of Students.

LUCC is looking for people interested in serving on its standing committees, including Student Welfare, Residence Life, Polling, Elections, Leadership and Multicultural Affairs. If you’re interested in a position on any of these bodies please contact LUCC at