Easter going unnoticed on campus

Bob Trettin

This Sunday marks the calendar date for the most important holiday of the Christian faith: Easter. It is the day when Christians around the world celebrate Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead, his conquering of sin, death and the devil and his ascension into heaven. The mourning and commemoration of Christ’s temporary entombment begins this Friday, titled Good Friday, leading up to the rejoicing of Easter Sunday.

I do not think that it is right that classes are still scheduled for Lawrentians on this day.

I must make it clear that my reason behind this claim does not stem from a shallow desire to simply have a day off of classes. It is only the second week of term. Spring break gave me a sufficient amount of rest and relaxation.

My mind is not yet so fried that I would be lobbying for one extra day off for the purpose of a slightly longer weekend. There is a more important motive.

I and my fellow Christians believe Easter to be the most important event in history for all of mankind. It is the fulfillment of the Gospel, an occurrence that secures our freedom, the ultimate sacrifice and the most miraculous miracle of all.

I think that canceling classes on this day is the appropriate thing to do. This would be the best way to give some sort of acknowledgement of Easter. It is unfortunate that Lawrence does not convey any sort of recognition of this weekend around campus. I think it is wrong that it will pass by like any other weekend, unnoticed and unappreciated.

I am most bothered by the thought that Lawrence seems to be completely oblivious to this holiday. I wish there was some amount of attention given to this weekend, and affording one day off of classes seems like the absolute best way to do so.

Free of distractions from classes and studying, Christian students and professors would have a whole day to devote to reflection and remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice, an extra day to prepare to celebrate Easter with family, if they chose to return home for this special weekend.

This Good Friday I am choosing to skip my only class, as a small display of my disapproval that classes are scheduled on this day, but more importantly so that I may go home, attend the Good Friday service at my home church and reflect on the gift of grace that this day signifies.

My only class on this day happens to be geology. I am not attempting to undermine the importance of this subject or the importance of attending class – however, in comparison to the importance of Easter, geology crumbles.

Matthew Brady in the adapted film from 1960 entitled “Inherit the Wind,” put it best when he said, “I am more interested in the ‘Rock of Ages’ than I am in the age of rocks.” This is my reasoning for neglecting class, and must be my focus for Good Friday and the rest of this weekend.

If you are interested in celebrating Easter with other Lawrentians on campus, Lawrence Christian Fellowship will be meeting as usual on Wednesday at 9 p.m. in the Pusey Room on the third floor of Warch. I encourage you to come and worship, learn and be surrounded by this Christian community on campus.