As you all have probably noticed, the Lawrence campus now has several small smoking shelters on campus, as well as “no smoking” stamps along most campus sidewalks. These additions are due to LUCC’s new smoking legislation.
The legislation was passed during LUCC’s last meeting during Spring Term. Smoking on campus is now prohibited, with a few exceptions such as public sidewalks and approved smoking shelters.
This policy developed from LUCC’s open forum on smoking legislation, which took place last February. Students were invited to voice their opinions on the subject and to help in crafting the policy. Very few students actually attended the open forum, but those that did got to influence this new smoking policy.
We, at The Lawrentian, are encouraged by LUCC’s new smoking legislation. The policy is more standardized and clearly laid out than previous smoking guidelines. In the past, the smoking legislation has been imprecise and hardly enforced. Previously, Residential Halls would vote on smoking halos each year, and consequently there was no cohesive smoking policy from one academic year to the next.
Unlike years’ past, this new policy is more concrete and defined, as well as well-advertised around campus. The new policy isn’t contingent on votes from all the major residential halls and is therefore less likely to change from year to year.
Since July 5, 2010, it has been illegal to smoke inside all public buildings in the state of Wisconsin. Since the passage of this bill in 2010, it has been easier for private institutions, like Lawrence, to implement similar policies.
LUCC’s new smoking policy fits nicely into Lawrence’s recent dedication to health and wellness. Now this dedication to wellness can be practiced campus-wide.