I, Kevin Specht, will not be at Lawrence University forever. I’m in my third year out of four, so I still have some time to go. But I want to think of the future. I want to make sure that the Specht Pages can be part of the Lawrence experience long after I’m gone.
In order to keep this column alive in years to come, I will need an apprentice, or better yet, a team of apprentices. These apprentices will need quite a bit of time working on wit, story fabrication and determination.
In my efforts to make sure all of this can happen according to my plan, I am hereby founding The Specht Pages Writing Institute, which will serve as a training program for Specht Pages writers. A maximum of three applicants will be selected for the four-term-long intensive program.
The applicants should be freshmen or sophomores. Freshmen are preferred, though all applicants will be considered. No prior writing experience is required. Past newspaper experience may make you a weaker candidate. Send all applications in a campus envelope to Kevin Specht SPC 1456.
Applicants must submit a sample article, a list of two references and a response to each of the five essay questions listed below. Essay questions should be answered in fewer than 500 words. No resume is required, but please include your email address, campus address (building and room number), name, year, major and favorite color.
Essay Questions:
1. What is your biggest fear, and how can I use it against you?
2. Please describe why you are interested in enrollment at The Specht Pages Writing Institute (this question must be answered using no prepositions).
3. Propose an architectural change to a building on campus.
4. Why do you think you will be able to endure the rigors of The Specht Pages Writing Institute?
5. Prove to me that you have what it takes to be a member of the Specht Pages team.
Also, there is a TA job available. To apply, you must be a junior or sophomore. The application will be the same as for gaining admission to the Specht Pages Writing Institute.
Also, I’d like to add some more information to my last article about the time capsule. If an unauthorized person decides to dig up the time capsule, they shall be placed in the Lawrence University Stocks for a minimum of 35 hours.
“You heard it first on Specht Pages.”