Spring Break Trips: Washington D.C. – Lawrence International

LI-2colorLawrence International, with the help of LUCC, funded a week-long trip from March 14-21 to Washington D.C.

Senior Vicky Jhong Chung says that 33 students each paid $205, which included transportation, a 5-day boarding fee for a hostel and some snacks. According to Chung, “Lawrence International always reserves some part of its budget for a spring break trip. Our main purpose is to give a chance to our LI members, both international and domestic students, to visit new places, bond with each other, and learn new cultures and backgrounds.”

Lawrentians who traveled to D.C. got the opportunity to learn more about U.S. history and travel with other students. Freshman Sophia Wang says, “We went to the National Mall and museums around it, Lincoln Memorial, [the] zoo, Holocaust Museum, Chinatown, [the] U.S. Capitol, Library of Congress, and Botanic Garden. We also went to Georgetown and toured Georgetown University.” Wang also reflects, “I learned a lot about American history through this trip…. had a lot of fun with my friends… [and] reflected on the history of my own country [China].”

Lawrence International gives Lawrentians an opportunity to tour a new place with friends for a reasonable fee. More importantly, it lets students take a break from their busy lives.