On Oct. 4, the Netflix Original adult animated series “Big Mouth” released its third season in full. Since its premiere...
On Oct. 25, part one of the sixth and final season of the critically acclaimed Netflix Original series “BoJack Horseman”...
On Monday, Oct. 14, the California based pop-rock band Joyce Manor performed a 45-minute set in the WLFM House. Opening...
On Friday night, Apr. 29, students gathered in the Mead Witter room of the Warch Campus Center to watch LU...
I have trained myself to move my short legs faster than they were ever meant to go. It is just...
Last month I got scammed and promptly cancelled my debit card, and since then Spotify has been sending me a lot of threatening emails saying, “You better update your payment information, or we’re gonna take away your Student Premium membership.”
The Lawrence University Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band held a concert in Lawrence Memorial Chapel on Saturday, Apr. 13, at...
On Nov. 1, several students had the opportunity to meet with Cydne Gillard, a producer at WFMT Chicago Radio, in...
On Monday, Sept. 30, at 9:30 p.m., students gathered in Mead Witter in the Warch Campus Center to play and...
I’ve been irresponsible lately. All I want to do is hang out with my friends, all the time, and I don’t want to do my homework, or my regular work, and I don’t even want to participate in the cultural movement that is “Me Time”, because that tends to involve being alone, and I’m sick of being alone.