Between the Pages: Could it be irresistable?

Ceilidh Mar

We all know Conkey’s Book and Gift Store as the place we tri-annually plunk down our hard-earned money for textbooks. But hidden in the back corner of this money-eater is a restful and fairly pleasant coffee shop. Between The Pages is a small, calm cafe, best suited for some quiet reflection or one-on-one meetings. Here, it is easy to picture a restful morning stop to enjoy a peaceful breakfast before a busy day.

The layout doesn’t allow for many large groups and a larger crowd wouldn’t fit the serene environment. With only one person behind the counter and limited seating, I recommend keeping this place as your little secret.

The coffee is fairly good, but I recommend trying one of their many non-coffee options, including Door County cherry juice and special ice tea flavors each day, perfect for the upcoming warm summer.

The most alluring aspect of Between The Pages, however, is the fact that they feature Breadsmith bread products fresh every day. Muffins, rolls, cookies: seriously, they are all good. If you have the chance, try the blackberry muffin. The top was deliciously crusty and sweet while the berries sunk toward the bottom while cooking, leaving you looking forward to each section for the different flavors and textures.

When you combine the food with the very friendly service and an almost inherent calming feeling, you can’t help but want to come back. Add this to the surprisingly low prices, and Between the Pages seems irresistible.

Open from 7:30 a.m. till 9:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, it’s not the typical Starbucks in and out experience. Except for a brief lunch run, this place offers a surprise haven in the midst of a busy street.

Expect to sit and enjoy your drink, bring a newspaper, and actually take the time to read it. Or if you are used to cheesy exit lines, forget your finals and fade Between The Pages.