“Who IS this guy?” First impressions of Dave usually ended with such a thought. Whether he was snarling at opponents in intramural basketball, making faces at cameras while leading races in cross country, contributing to the Sambistas’ drumming at parties (when he wasn’t in Sambistas) or chasing the girl’s volleyball team around on Saturday nights, Dave was.Dave. As I sit and try to think of the term that properly encapsulates him, I am at a loss. He was very much so himself; intense, wild, hilarious, exuberant, caring, direct, loud, fast, intelligent, thoughtful, loyal and talented are all just terms that don’t come close to expressing how ceaselessly entertaining it was to be in his presence. There was a lot to DC Dave but he was more interested in how much there was to you. Constantly having conversations — and I mean real conversations — with people and trying to figure out life’s questions and mysteries, he truly cared about how people were doing and urgently tried to be of service to others. He was passionate about creating great music — mediocrity was abhorred — and generating social reform for the DC public school system (Washington DC was his home). Whether he was assuming the role of my emerging business partner, philosophical sparring associate, motivating ally, running buddy, or bro, he was much more than simply a friend. I shall continually call to mind the phenomenal memories I have of our times together, and the many laughs that follow suit cannot be halted, for such was the nature of my friend: Dave Golub.