A few weeks ago, I was calling for Hillary Clinton to concede, like a little more than half of the Democratic Party. I thought the circus of a primary was on the verge of continuing too long, and Hillary, like Henry Clay and Al Gore, should step down to avoid an electoral crisis — our republic’s stability is based upon the noble and voluntary concessions of politicians. My emotions have since changed from impassioned fury to a disappointed apathy. The Clintons are close to battling Barack Obama to a draw. Before congratulations are in order, it may be time to examine the possible results of the most protracted and bitter primary in history.
After his loss in the recent Pennsylvania primary, pundits raised the question of Obama’s electability. A year ago, after seven years of GOP gaffes, the question of a Democrat’s electability would have been absurd. A person from the party that did not send us to war, put us in debt or lie to everyone sounded like a pretty good option no matter how few older white women in Pennsylvania voted for him. After such a long and painful contest, with vicious attacks from both sides, each candidate is looking like a little bit more of the same.
Even within our own party, Americans cannot keep their politics civil. The allure of the Democratic Party is fading, and the race is becoming more even. It was certainly a loss for Obama, but was it truly a victory for Clinton if all it has done is prove neither candidate is universally well-liked?
Secondly, older white women were exactly the demographic that carried Clinton to victory in the Keystone State. Nothing against older white women, but the amazing thing about this Democratic primary was not the overwhelming power of the reliable voters, (seniors, women, non-minorities) but the increased turn-out of the previously apathetic or disenfranchised, especially the young. If Hillary is able to miraculously overcome Obama’s lead, or worse, pull some electoral hijinks, what message are we sending to those first-time voters? Thanks for caring, but no thanks for the candidate?
I have a feeling that after usurping the choice of the youth, the Democratic Party will enjoy much less success with the generation that has at least fourteen more elections to participate in. That sounds like a loss for the whole Democratic Party. Just as the GOP was bemoaning the loss of those who grew up under Bush, Mrs. Clinton is handing them right back.
There is never a clean victory, especially in our electoral system, but the question Americans have to ask themselves and Mrs. Clinton is just how unclear and unclean do we want the Democratic nomination to be? Do we want to cement a victory in November and a generation’s loyalty to the party, or keep giving a bitter politician with a sense of entitlement a shot at the nation’s highest office? Ask yourselves soon, because we may simply be too late.