David Vidaurre and Lisa Donahue fulfill expectations. Playing “typical music that college kids listen to,” David — pronounced da-veed — said he isn’t too keen on the term “indie rock” but his show, “The Sprout and the Bean” certainly plays a lot of music that one might lump into that category. Some prevalent acts on the show include Bonnie “Prince” Billy, Born Ruffians, Simian Mobile Disco, and the singer/songwriter whose lyrics are the namesake for the show, Joanna Newsom.
“For the past few weeks I’ve been playing a Patti Smith song at the beginning of every show.I hope to be through the whole album soon,” explained David. The two also play a lot of new music. When new albums come into the station, David looks at the covers to determine what might be good and proceeds to put something he hasn’t yet heard on the air.
If a musician spends time to make the album look good, it only follows that the music should be equally as interesting. This “isn’t always true,” says David “[but] I try not to play things everyone knows.” He does, however, read up on every artist he plays in attempt to generate some interest from the listener. So if you’re in the mood for “indie college rock,” tune in at 8 p.m. on Tuesdays.