Monday, May 12
Opening Proclamation
Margaret Carroll ’61, trustee emerita
11 a.m. — Sampson House porch”A Tour of Roman London”
William Chaney, professor of history Emeritus
4:30 p.m. — Main Hall 201
Tuesday, May 13
“Nietzsche: The Model of a Modern Classicist?”
Kevin Tracy, postdoctoral fellow in classics
4:30 p.m. — Main Hall 201
Wednesday, May 14
Classics Week Film
7 p.m. — Wriston auditorium
Thursday, May 15
Student Lectures
-Elizabeth Marshall, ’09
-James Eric Prichard, ’08
-Alexis Coates, ’08
4 p.m. — Main Hall 201
Friday, May 16
Readings from the Classics
4:30 p.m. — Main Hall back steps