VIII. Margot and Rik, Concertgoers in Chief

Peter Gillette

TL: You mentioned in your interview with Margaret Carroll for Lawrence Today that you have gotten acquainted with music and would like to expand that knowledge. Do you recall any concerts in particular that piqued your interests, and what sorts of things will you be trying to learn in retirement about it?RW: Well, it’s pretty broad. I’ve gone to a lot of concerts – Margot has saved programs from concerts for the last 25 years, and they’re all going to the archives. You know, there is some music that is alien to me and I never have gotten. Bob Levy will be the first to acknowledge that Karel Husa is a musician whose works I have never been able to really get comfortable with. But I would say that early on, when Fred Sturm was first taking off with the jazz program, those concerts were just energizing. I mean, given my druthers, I would have LUJE play “In the Mood,” because that’s sort of my kind of jazz, but I have come to appreciate the more contemporary jazz forms he has developed through the years. It’s the same with all the major groups. I’ve come to enjoy concerts without being able to say, “I know all that much about composer A, B, or C.” And that’s what I think would like to learn more about, something about the history of the primarily western classics. But things like the Sambistas… if the Sambistas could perform every day, I would be delighted.