Freedom of the press allows Americans freedom of speech through print and publication. This is a basic lesson learned in most political science, history or civics classes; it is also a basic lesson learned simply through life in this country.We do not make exceptions to these basic rights inside the Lawrence bubble. In fact, we as a staff would like to think that we strongly encourage the free expression and the discussion of thoughts and opinions. Most of this discussion takes place on the Opinions and Editorials page, a space which we reserve for the expressed opinions of students, faculty, alumni and The Lawrentian staff alike.
Readers may have noticed a late influx of serious letters to the editor, which are placed weekly alongside several student-written editorials and columns. What is important, vital even, is that all of these express the opinions of their writers. Letters, columns and editorials are all valuable vehicles for expression, albeit all of a somewhat different kind.
It’s important to keep in mind that everything that appears on these pages is opinion. Everyone is welcome to contribute to discussion, to provide criticism and argument, as well as new perspectives. It is only through this discussion that we will be able to grow, not just as a student body but as a society.
Anger and disrespect, without intellectual basis, directed towards the views printed on these pages gets us nowhere. If you take issue with something you read in The Lawrentian, please write to us. Let us know, thereby letting your fellow students, as well as faculty and alumni know.