LUaroo and you can too!

As previously reported, the 12th annual LUaroo will be held this Memorial Day weekend, May 25 and 26. In addition to hosting bands from around the country and showcasing student performers, the Band Booking Committee (BBC), the student organization that orchestrates the festival, is organizing many fun activities to pair with the music.

Many clubs are getting involved to run booths, sell food and raise funds for their respective organizations. Mortar Board, the senior honor society, will be tabling and selling lemonade on Sunday afternoon, the Health, Wellness, and Personal Growth RLAs will be grilling both meat and vegetarian options and providing water and sunscreen and the Lawrence Model United Nations team is slated to sell bubble tea. In addition, SLUG house (Sustainable Lawrence University Garden) will hold a backyard rummage sale while supplies last and Film Photography Club will run a photobooth, complete with props and the option to purchase a film photo or take a digital one. Furthermore, The Lawrentian Editorial Board intends to sell cotton candy, using old issues of the newspaper as sticks to support it. BBC hopes to also showcase the incredible fashions and outfits often spotted at LUaroo on their instagram page, @luaroo_music_now_.

BBC hopes to involve more clubs and offer more activities to counter some of the alcohol issues that disturbed many audience members last year. “The idea is,” said junior and co-director of the festival Georgia Greenberg, “by offering activities and giving participants something more to do than just drink in the grass all day, our audience will be more engaged, fewer people will pass out and even fewer people will get in trouble.” In addition, the committee is seeking a Special Class “B” Beer (picnic) License in order to organize a beer garden in the quad. “The beer garden will be open to folks of 21 years of age, serving from 3-9 p.m., and be run by the Viking Room,” said Greenberg. “We’re still waiting to hear back about the license, so it’s not a sure thing yet, but if it works out, I think it will be good for everyone. People who want to drink can drink, but it won’t be a main focus of the fest.”

Outside the jurisdiction of the committee, the IlLUstrator, Diversity in the Fine Arts, Film Photography Club and In Lieu of You are collaborating to sponsor and curate an evening of art on Thursday, May 23, at 7 p.m. in the Warch Campus Center. According to their Facebook page, they are seeking submissions of “music, writing, fashion, film, painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, performance etc. etc.” Submissions and pitches can be emailed to They have asked that painting, collage, sculpture, film,  photograph, drawing and writing work be submitted by Sunday, May 19, and that of song, dance, spoken work or instrumental be in by Thursday, May 16.

The annual senior art show will also take place during the weekend, beginning with an opening reception on Friday, May 24, in the Wriston Art Center at 6 p.m. The art show will celebrate the work of the senior art majors, showcasing pieces of all disciplines.

If that were not enough, you can top off the weekend at Sinfonia’s annual block party on Monday, May 27. The fraternity celebrates the day off school by hosting bands and grilling food, and it’s always a relaxing way to send off the weekend. 

There will be no shortage of art and activity Memorial Day weekend, and any student can be involved and seek all kinds of engaging events. If any clubs are interested in tabling at LUaroo, please contact Greenberg at