Since the opening of the Warch Campus Center, dining facilities have been experiencing an escalating number of thefts. The incidents increased such that Bon Appétit deemed it necessary to post a sign outside Kate’s Corner Store.
The sign reads, “Due to theft: No backpacks, schoolbags, etc. will be permitted into the store (please leave at the entrance before entering). Thank you for your cooperation. – Debra Walker, Retail Manager, Bon Appétit Management Company.” Since its posting, acts of theft have decreased but have not stopped altogether.
In this time of transition, the Warch Campus Center is not yet fully integrated into the Lawrence community, and Bon Appétit has not yet fully tailored its methods of communication to our student body.
We would have preferred that Bon Appétit had addressed the students in a manner more consistent with previous interactions, such as hosting a forum to discuss the issue collectively.
Ultimately, however, theft is a distinct matter from the subjective wants of the student body or preferences of individuals. Incidents of theft are generally rare at Lawrence, and we at The Lawrentian hope that the sign serves as a reminder for students to extend the same respectful behavior exhibited in other areas of campus to our newest facility.