Our current lieutenant governor, Margaret Farrow, has been committed to bringing citizens together to solve problems and build stronger communities as a public servant for the past 25 years.She began as a member of the Elm Grove Village board in 1976, where she served as a trustee until her election as village president in 1981. She won election to the state senate in 1986, and served there until she was elected to the state senate again in 1989. She served there until her appointment as lieutenant governor. While in the state legislature, she took key roles in reforming welfare and tax policy to encourage work, saving, investment, innovation, capital formation, labor force productivity, and economic growth.
With the relationships between the state and local communities important now during discussion of shared revenue, Farrow’s experience on the Governor’s Blue-Ribbon Commission on State-Local Partnerships for the 21st Century (Kettle Commission) is an important benefit. She chairs the Governor’s Work Based Learning Board, co-chaired the Governor’s Task Force on Invasive Species, and serves on the Wisconsin Women’s Council. She is the governor’s designee to the Council on Workforce Investment, and is the vice chair of the Aerospace States Association.
Margaret Farrow believes all students in Wisconsin deserve a top-quality education that encourages and enables them to develop their talents, fulfill their personal potential, and be engaged, contributing citizens of the state. Farrow believes students and families should be able to choose schools and programs that best match their talents and interests. As lieutenant governor, Farrow often visits elementary schools, high schools and colleges to listen to students, teachers, and parents.
Farrow was born and raised in Kenosha, Wis. She attended Rosary College in River Forest, Ill., for a year. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Marquette University in Milwaukee, with a major in political science and a minor in elementary education. She later took graduate courses in political science and journalism at Marquette.
Margaret Farrow is a great lieutenant governor with years of service in government at the local and state level. Her experience, expertise and passion for the issues she deals with make her the best candidate for the job.