EDITORIAL: Changing of the editorial guard

Andrew Karre

As always, third term marks the beginning of a new year for The Lawrentian. The old editors-in-chief step aside and a new administration takes over. The new administration this time, as is often the case, is not so much new as newly matured. Two of the most experienced and valued members of Ryan’s and my administrations, Ray Feller and Jessie Augustyn, have stepped forward to offer their services as editor-in-chief and managing editor. Ryan, Cameron, and I were pleased to see them come out with a very successful satire issue last week and are confident of the success of the present issue.There have been several changes to the editorial board in addition to these top-level shifts; many experienced editors have changed titles and a number of new faces have joined the staff. I am sure they will contribute to a successful term for the paper.

Ryan, Cameron, and I have been too ecstatic discovering the dozens of hours of our lives we’d forgotten we had to be very nostalgic for the newspaper, but I’m sure on some Tuesday night in the not-so-distant future, we will realize how much we miss it. It was a great time. We would like to thank all of the Lawrence community for their support, praise, and criticism—and of course their readership—while we were publishing their newspaper.