Team Edward or Team Jacob? “Team Edward because I love Robert Pattinson, I love him in Good Time (2017) and The Lighthouse (2019).” — Camille Robertson“Team Booboo.” — Nina Austria“Neither team, I’ll take Edward over Jacob because Jacob imprinted on a minor.” — Jessica Johnston“Team Jacob.” — Nupur Vaghasia“Team Edward because he feels her soul and Jacob does not.” — Derartu Ahmed“Robert Pattinson over Edward and Jacob.” — Violet Rho“I am team Jacob!” — Ramisha Mahiyat“Team Edward forever lol.” — Ishita Agarwal“I would be team Jacob.” — Jiwoo SukMikayla Henry, Copy Editor “Personally, I was never a fan of the series, but from what I’ve heard Alice Cullen is a healthier option than either Edward or Jacob.” Shania Johnson, Copy Chief “Bella’s dad. Don’t know his name and it doesn’t matter #dilfsupremacy.”Sarah Matthews, A&E Editor “Even though Jacob is hotter than Edward, Edward is ultimately less terrible of a person.” Photos by Jamie Dong and Alana Melvin