A Note From the Honor Council

The Honor Council of Lawrence University happily welcomes all our new and returning students to campus!

The Honor Council is comprised of 14 students and three faculty advisers. The Council is almost entirely student-run, and our members come from a diverse range of majors, interests, identity and background and experience. This year, the Council is chaired by Leah Hawksford (‘22) and Andrea Ritziu (‘22); the faculty advisers are Professors Ben Rhinehart (Art) and Jonathon Lhost (Economics), with Professor Megan Pickett (Physics) as faculty chair of the Academic Integrity Committee.

The other members of the Council are: Madison Clark, Valeria Deantes, Mikayla Frank-Martin, Alex Freeman, Avery Greene, Ben Hiles, Ezra Marker, Thuy Nguyen, Alex Rothstein, Earl Simons, Eliana Stern, Steven Snyder and LaDora Thomas.

The Honor System is a compact we all share as a community value: that we all value each other’s work, and that no one will unfairly advance their own work or impede the pursuits of any other member of the community. Academic Integrity is a central, core value: it confers trust between professors and students, and it enables us to take great pride in our own, best work.

As central as it is, everyone is bound to have a question about what is and isn’t covered by the Honor Code. When in doubt, talk to someone! You should never feel embarrassed about checking in to see what is allowable. If you have any questions about the Honor Code or Academic Integrity, we encourage you to reach out to the chairs or the faculty of the committee, as well as others in the community. You can read more about the Honor System on the Lawrence webpage.

Once again, welcome to Lawrence, and all our best wishes for a happy and healthy academic year.

— Megan Pickett, Professor of Physics, Academic Integrity Committee Chair, Honor Council Advisor

Click here to read more about the Honor System!