Receive all mandatory immunizations: COVID-19, Flu Shot, MMR, Hepatitis B and Tetanus. Wash hands frequently with soap and warm water or use...
“The kindness everyone has towards each other on campus. I also admire the drive Lawrence students have to make the...
Dear Reader, I would like to echo a sentiment that I hope you’ve heard countless times since stepping foot on...
Voyager will become a close friend during your time at Lawrence. On Voyager, you will do everything from register for...
What advice would you give to incoming students? “Go to concerts, films, lectures and events not required for your classes....
Bon App: Bon Appétit is Lawrence’s dining services provider. The Con: The Conservatory — lovingly referred to as the Con...
What is something you hope to have accomplished by the end of Fall Term? Photos by Nora Murphy....
For the 2021-22 school year, there will be over 50 compost bins around campus in every major residence hall, most...