Around the bases

Tariq Engineer

The Lawrentian had no sports page last week, because your resident sports editor was unavailable first week of term. Needless to say I’m back this week to put together quality sports pages for your reading pleasure.I’d like to begin my second term with the paper by introducing two gentlemen who are currently excelling in their respective sports.

Andy Kazik, who is undefeated this season and currently ranked number one at 184 pounds in Division III by the National Wrestling Coaches Association, is profiled to the right.

Tom Towle, who is undefeated in both the 1-meter and 3-meter diving events this season, and is the favorite to win the 1-meter diving competition at this year’s Conference championships, will be profiled next week.

There is an inherently human side to sports, which is easy to lose sight of amidst the multitude of statistics and the brute realities of winning and losing. Kazik and Towle represent this human side. What they also represent is the fact that Lawrence can and does excel at sports (the woman’s soccer team is another example), contradicting commonly held opinion that all Viking sports leave much to be desired. Let’s give them the recognition they deserve.