Many roles available on the yearbook staff

The Ariel is Lawrence’s yearbook. Each year, the staff compiles photos, articles, and stats about campus events, sports, organizations, and the graduating class. The yearbook needs photographers, writers, and layout artists. Each member of the staff receives a free book for helping put the book together.
Everyone is encouraged to join, even students who have not worked on a yearbook staff before. The Ariel staff are very willing to train people, and their layout program is easy to use and learn. The yearbook can be a very full time or a very part time activity. Any kind of help is appreciated, so even someone wanting a minimal commitment should consider joining the yearbook.
Meetings are on Tuesdays at 8:15 p.m., beginning Oct. 2. The Ariel office is located on College Ave., in the row of buildings across from Jerry’s Tobacco. Enter at the door that says “Ariel.” If there are any questions, call Carly at x7148 or leave a voicemail at the office (x6772).