My name is Lisa Cowart and I am a teacher of some
of the most wonderful students in the
world! It is on behalf of my students that I
would like to ask a favor of all you, our
neighbors across the world.
I am teaching sixth grade social studies in
Columbus, Georgia, USA. A geography
project that I am doing with my class involves us
trying to get postcards sent to us from all
over the United States and as many countries in
the world as we can.
When we get the cards, the class and I
locate the place on the map, and it is a great
for them to work on becoming familiar with the
world outside their own town. To this end, I
need the help of anybody who would be willing to
send us a postcard from another state or
perhaps another country. We will be happy to
reciprocate if the person gives us their return
If you know anybody at all who lives in
another state or in another country would you be
so kind as to pass this request along to them?
Please send our class a postcard at the
following address:Mrs. Cowart’s Sixth Grade Class
Blackmon Road Middle School
7251 Blackmon Road
Columbus, GA 31909 USA
Thank you so much. We would love to hear from
you! Thank you for helping my class with
their geography project.
Lisa Crowson Cowart