As people and as a campus, sweeping gestures are sometimes more appealing to us than the small, unglamorous ways to reform, but all of the little things can sometimes be the most important ones. Lawrence’s new campus center is respectably energy-efficient and well designed, but as a campus, we are often absent-minded about the small things.
Whether if it is the wasteful heating and cooling in Youngchild during the summer or outdated heating system which provides heat to most dormitories, campus wastes copious amounts of energy, not because of intention, but because of habit and ineffective systems.
We need to examine all of the little things that probably have more impact together than our new initiative does. Initiatives such as the automatic double-sided printing in the library are a great step in this direction. Still there are many things that need attention.
The use of Styrofoam cups and bottled water at many school events as well as wasteful energy consumption, in several areas, needs to be evaluated. From the computers in computer labs that are always on, during the summer and the school year, to lighting up unoccupied buildings, there are many simple yet important steps that can be taken. Instead of forming new systems we have an obligation to improve and correcting existing ones that aren’t going anywhere.A greener Lawrence is in sight. But actions speak louder than words, and our new actions as students and administrators are admirable, but not enough.