LUCC elections for president and vice president will be held at the beginning of next week, and while both candidates for president have admirable goals, ****The Lawrentian***** has chosen to endorse Pete Snyder.
Snyder has been a constant presence in LUCC for the past two years, and has performed very well as a representative, committee chair, and parliamentarian. While we believe that Snyder will do well as LUCC president, we do have a few words of caution. Several students are indeed concerned with the “freshman full meal plan” and the bloated LUCC bureaucracy, but Tim Ruberton’s focus on a stronger, more effective LUCC with full committees and dedicated representatives is crucial to the success of any agenda. Given the state of LUCC during this year, Snyder would do well not to ignore the writing on the wall by covering it with a new coat of paint.
We encourage all Lawrentians to vote this Monday through Wednesday, and wish Snyder the best of luck.