Staff Editorial

Last winter, Lawrence launched the “Admissions Ambassador” program, which gave current Lawrentians the opportunity to visit their high schools on behalf of the university. Recently, students were contacted to participate during the upcoming break.
We suggest a strong emphasis be placed on the geographic distribution of participating high schools. This approach has the potential to further diversify Lawrence by increasing the number of students from under-represented areas. In implementing the ambassador program, the university recognizes the varying educational approaches and cultures that students bring to Lawrence. Maintaining and strengthening this characteristic is in accordance with the university’s educational mission.
In the next few years, the efficacy of the ambassadors will depend on several factors. The number of students who serve as ambassadors and the number of schools they reach will determine whether this program can become a permanent feature in Lawrence Admissions.
We commend the university for this innovation. High school students increasingly rely on independent and Internet-based research during the college search process; Lawrence’s Admissions Ambassador program allows for high schoolers to learn from undergraduates about the specific experience of transitioning from their high school to this university.
According to Admissions, over 100 students participated in this program in its first year. We at The Lawrentian are encouraged by last year’s enthusiasm to volunteer for and represent Lawrence and hope to see more involvement this winter.